On the Hippie Trail: Europe

Germany was a hitchhiker's paradise at the time (1967). So, I hitchhiked from my home town in The Netherlands to Munich in Southern Germany.

Road map Europe

Istanbul Express Sign
This nephew of the famous Orient Express took me from Munich to Istanbul via Austria, Yugoslavia and Bulgaria in two days.

Istanbul Express Timetable
Timetable Munich-Istanbul (Istanbul Express = D917)

Istanbul Express
Belgrade terminal station, where the Istanbul Express had to reverse out of the station.

Pythion station
Pythion sign
The station of Pythion, a small village in Greece. The railway track between the Bulgarian-Turkish border and Istanbul traversed a stretch of Greek territory, due to arrangements made in the aftermath of WWI. Pythion was - God knows why - a regular stop for international trains.

Istanbul Express
End of the line: Sirkeci railway station, Istanbul (Photograph: Wikimedia Commons).

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© Hans Roodenburg (The Netherlands), 2006

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